Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Ralph Peters On Koranimations

February 7, 2006 -- "RIOTS scorch the Islamic world as maddened believers protest Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed. Embassies burn, demonstrators die, crazed threats resound. Far more Muslims fill the streets than protested the invasion of Iraq.

Astonished Europeans insist on their right to press freedom. Muslims are outraged at the willful violation of a widespread Islamic belief: The Prophet's image must not be depicted.

It's hard not to feel a certain amount of Schadenfreude after enduring endless lectures from Europeans about how the Middle East's problems were all made in America. It will be fascinating to watch the Europeans attempt to come to grips with fanaticism.
Even a French philosopher can't forever glorify a civilization that puts more energy into calling for death to cartoonists than it does into human rights, education or good government.
For once, we Americans can sit back and watch the fight (pass the popcorn, please).

The Europeans are going to get a few more teeth knocked out. As for the Islamist bigots intent on destroying what's left of their own decayed societies, they'll lose at least a few of their European apologists — the sort who make excuses for terrorists, as long as they only kill Americans (or Muslims)."

Ralph doesn't like the fact that the Danes "gratuitously" published drawings of the heretofore undrawable Mo:

"First, consider the Europeans. The Danish newspaper that first published the cartoons last September was not standing up courageously for freedom of expression. The editors and cartoonists were so oblivious to any reality beyond their Copenhagen coffee bars that they just thought they were pulling an attention-getting prank."

Oh fer chrissake, and so what? That's what the media DOES, Ralph. To be published in the NY Post and use the word gratuitous is beyond lame. Attention-getting stories sell lots of dead trees and to whine that the Danes did it for that reason alone is silly. Now, it's a given that Europe will start a fight then scream for help so bitch all you want about that, but this walking on eggshells bullshit just so's we all don't offend the sand fleas is ludicrous. If it wasn't this story it'd be another story so get down to brass tacks. The moslem world awaits such instigations to unleash destruction. That's the problem.

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