Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Lots and lots of letters...

Just received the following, and tons of folks are out there vetting this story, so I'll withhold lock and load until it's confirmed or scuttled.

Subject: Marines Refused Service

Happened on Jan. 31, 2006

In Gun Barrel City, Tx two US Marines in Dress Blues walked into a Shell Station and were told they would not serve them and told to leave. So they went to the Fina Station across the street and told them that they were refused service at the Shell. At this time a women went over to the Shell Station and ask why they refused service to the two Marines and were told that they are over there killing there people. The Shell is owned & operated by Arab people. As this information went out the News Paper in Gun Barrel wanted to know the names of the Marines. They are going to run an article on this incident. As I see it this is a long way from being over knowing the mind and heart set of Texas people. All this happened on the 31st. on Jan. and my daughter, (who was married to a former Marine, now deceased, and has a daughter in the Marines) is on top of trying to get this info. , and all the while here at home we have a granddaughter in the Marines, One in the Army Reserves, and a grandson HM3,in the Navy. Therefore, my wife, US Navy, myself US Navy Ret. all this hits very close to home, and me a Shell card holder, me call Shell, got that right. From me the word is going out to all Military people I know and the list is getting longer.

Of course, ANY business has the right to refuse service. But it'd be a crying shame were this tale to be true, because I've discovered more frequent flier miles than I'd thought.

Or perhaps it's time for a good old fashioned ROAD TRIP.

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