Monday, February 06, 2006

Why I suck at eBay

Not that I dive in and purchase items I don't need, or spend too much. On the contrary. What I like and what the mall-ninja's like are two different things so there are plenty of great deals to be found. To sell a firearm related item to the chairborne commando's all one must do is assure that the product is black and has "tactical" somewhere in the description. I go for what works and have taken home some very serviceable things dirt cheap. Too cheap. The other day I won a bid for $.99, yes ninety-nine cents, and was so embarassed that I paid the guy 5 bucks instead. The thing was something I was looking for, something I'd owned the likes of before, and I was going to stop bidding at somewhere's around 8 or 9 dollars. But nobody else bid. And there was no reserve. Sweet geez but how could I rape someone like that. It's why I've always been a sucky businessman. Fair product for a fair price and everyone should be happy, right? Ha. Anyway, there's another item up for grabs and it's the same deal. I'm the lone bidder and the damn thing is still going for a buck or so and I hope someone else raises the ante so I don't feel so bad. Or, I could start buying undervalued items and advertise them, actually advertise them, not like the sucky descriptions these clueless sellers use, and resell the damned things for three or four times what I paid. I'd probably fuck that up somehow. Tell someone that they're paying too much. Oh yeah, and the reason I'm entering this post in one long ass paragraph is because BOOGER won't let me skip a space and continue. It's just GOTTA suck being them.

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