Monday, November 13, 2006

S&W 500 Magnum...From Double Tap...

More chrono's from Crazy Jay. We were without his wisdom for a time as he once again shot to hell every last chronograph he owned, but DeadEye Dick is back in business and has the latest 500 S&W load results.

350 grain controlled expansion hollowpoint as pictured: 5 shot average of 1982 fps from a friend's Smith (8.375" barrel). Yes, that's over 3000 ft/lbs of kinetic energy, and no, I haven't fired them myself and may take a pass. For a while.

And Jay reports that they do indeed expand to an inch and a quarter when shot through water jugs.

Sure is a damned shame their ain't no dinosaurs around no more. Unless you count the FORG (Fat Old Retired Guy) from Box O' Truth who wouldn't touch a genuinely grunt-worthy handgun for fear it'd ruin his incessant moan that pistols are pistols and rifles are rifles and rifles are far more powerful. For a dude afraid of big handguns, that's for sure.

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