Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I've never mentioned it, yeah, something I haven't bitched about, alert the media, but I abhor dentists. Sitting here at this ungodly hour because I cracked a tooth the other day and of course it finally awakened me by swelling the left side of my face beyond recognition. WON'T go to the VA because as far as mouth doctors go they employ the absolute worst, so as soon as the sun comes up I'll be on the horn looking for a local pain-inflictor to yank out the offending incisor. I went to the range while having a heart attack. I've seen more combat duty than you can shake a stick at. Two years ago I broke my right arm then wrapped it in a tight ass bandage and was going to leave it at that but Lisa interjected her opinion on the matter.

But the masochists who get their kicks watching a grown man squirm just tick me off.

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