Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Jimmah Gets His Comeuppance...

"Yes, Mr. Carter, thank you for making me a Republican—because of your incompetence in handling the Iranians and…your cozying up with every dictator, thug, Islamic terrorist there is. And more importantly, I find it to be vile because of [untelligible] (sounds like “your blackest heart”). Because you’re an anti-Semite. And let me explain why I think you’re a bigot and a racist and an anti-Semite..."

Jimmy The-Traitor Carter was pushing one of his horrid tomes on Book-TV when a caller chimed in with the above. It's refreshing to know that even those outside the hive-minded world of blogging can hate this seditious scum as we do.

Yes, hate is a strong word, but Conservatives do hate our country's enemies, and at least it isn't the liberal hate that accompany's having a small penis and the subsequent need to lash out at something, anything.

Click the headline to wisk yourself over to Stop The ACLU and watch the expression on Mr. Peanut's face.

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