Monday, December 04, 2006

Monday, Monday

Might as well be digging ditches I've been so busy as of late, and the absolute truth remains that fighting with Blogger isn't something one does for fun. Between playing with firearms and chauffeuring the elderly I very nearly reach the point of putting in a tiring day, and I'll admit to being in a funk since the elections, to boot.

Folks bitching about not being able to worship their deity on my my money sometimes pisses me off, so that must mean it's almost Christmas. Ordinarily I do not have a care that public schools and buildings are adorned with the trappings of Christianity, because regardless of one's religious affiliation it IS a part of out heritage as a nation. And I certainly wouldn't go anywhere near so far as to advocate ACLU-type lawsuits because some 3rd grader was exposed to, gasp, a Nativity scene, but why can't the churches foot the bill. Or stop the jibber-jabber and put one of those check-off boxes on our tax returns. Something along the lines of if you want $1 dollar of your refund to go to religious adornaments for the holidays, then let us know. That'd probably open the floodgates for other forms of begging, but hey, welcome to the Democracy.

But if people within a community have developed manger-itis, they should have something of a say on how their money is being spent, and I guess that's what can tick me off. The culture is evolving. Not everyone need run their life pursuant to teachings that were so far off-base regarding how the real world works. Yeah, I'd miss the lights and the trees and the references to history, but maybe, just maybe, the time is coming when those who continue to believe need not wear their beliefs on the outside quite as much. Or do it on their own dime.

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