Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Nutcracker Not So Sweet

In 1895, a grocer by the name of Daniel Palmer was faced with a very serious business decision. His grocery was losing money, and so was his Magnets-Can-Cure-All-That-Ails-You sideline being run in the backroom of his store. If he gave up one and focused upon the other, things just might work out, but which one to deep six?

Then the epiphany. There were many grocers, lots of sideshow folk "healers" that dabbled in magnetism and the like, but no spine manipulators. Back in Hippocrates' day you couldn't swing a dead Persian without hitting a spinal-cracker, but nary a one in the Davenport Iowa of 1895 so old Dan coined a new word...chiropractic...which translates to "by-hand", and it was off to the races.

Chiropractic is nothing more than a damned swell massage, and damn swell massages can be beneficial. BUT...these charlatans are causing more damage than ever, so have a care.

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