Friday, March 09, 2007

2008: Gun Control Candidates Need Not Apply

By John Longenecker

"For the American electorate, candidates who commit to the concealed carry bills and who see them signed into law will show a deeper respect for citizens and the law of the land than gun control obsessives.
    How a politician stands on the Second Amendment tells you how he or she views you as an individual… as a trustworthy and productive citizen, or as part of an unruly crowd that needs to be lorded over, controlled, supervised, and taken care of. — Representative Suzanna Gratia Hupp (TX)
In national news, Sunday, February 11, 2007, Rudy Giuliani announced in a tour through Kalifornia that his gun control helped reduce crime in New York. (Gun control puts the K in Kalifornia.)

This is why several other Mayors are pulling out of NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s gun control scheme. Not only is it anti-liberty, but it just never works.

At this time, the DOJ’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is investigating Mayor Bloomberg’s sting operations and New Orleans Mayor Nagin is under a court order to return weapons stolen by officers following Hurricane Katrina. Guns are taken illegally. Gun control is illegal in the United States.

His Honor Mayor Giuliani believes that he has learned all there is to learn and doesn’t need to hear from the people about how wrong he is in bringing his ideas elsewhere. It’s a free country, but some ideas are just un-American and reflect a poor understanding of what we are all about. Self-rule.

Gun control contributes nothing to crime control anymore than delaying police contributes to crime control. It hurts innocent constituents by disarming the very people on whose authority police operate.

Think, Your Honor: Police operate on the authority of the people, so that when they arrive, they arrive with your appointed authority. Their badge is a sign of Official Appointment. You derive your authority from the people, and by law, the people’s authority is on scene when police arrive.

But when an armed citizen is on scene, the law is already on scene there, too. This is where gun control is breaking the law: you are disarming the authority of the people illegally. And therefore, you are not contributing to crime control, you are contributing to crime by disarming that lawful authority. [Officials obviously believe in non-police civil authority when they employ private armed guards or personal concealed carry for themselves.]

Individuals may legally stop a crime in progress, including in defense of another and certainly in de-escalating their own robbery, rape, or murder. With authority. And under our values system. Gun control does not legally frustrate citizen authority – it illegally bluffs people out of it and backs the bluff with legal force. This is abuse of process..."

An abuse of the process for one reason and one reason only.

Power can never be left in the hands of the people, sayeth the loon. In order to assure this, modern law enforcement has been elevated far beyond the point of civil servant, and reformed into scofflaw tax collectors and guardians against the very essence of freedom.

You simply cannot subjugate a nation without finding men who have no compunction against enslaving the smallfolk. There was a time I would not have believed that a sufficient number of them existed.

Anywhere outside of a soviet socialist republic, or a china, or some other dirty place.

I was wrong, we were wrong, and for this generation of law enforcement, it's too late.

They already believe themselves to be the masters.

And Julie Annie ever believing in self-rule?

Please now.

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