Friday, March 09, 2007

Thank Heavens The Alamo Didn't Have A Back Door...

Texas Castle Doctrine: Not Just For Property Owners Anymore?

"The Dallas Morning News' editorial "Protect the Right Victim" on Friday endorsed passage of the "Castle Doctrine" or "Stand Your Ground" bills we have introduced in the Texas Legislature. So far, 104 colleagues in the House and 27 in the Senate have co-authored these common-sense measures, and House and Senate committees have approved them.

Since Florida enacted the first of these laws in 2005, 14 other states have adopted similar legislation to protect honest citizens from criminal prosecution and civil lawsuits if they use force to defend themselves against violent attacks. The popular nickname given these laws is based on the common-law doctrine that your home is your castle and you have a right to defend your castle. Some states expanded their laws to apply to your car and business, as well.

...the bills state that you have "no duty to retreat" from an attack if you are in a place where you have a right to be, did not provoke your attacker, and are not engaged in criminal activity.

This was essentially the law in Texas until the mid-1970s. Under current law, the use of deadly force to protect yourself outside your home is justified only "if a reasonable person in your situation would not have retreated..."


So only unreasonable people retreat? NO.Dammit, Fits, think like a lawyer. To retreat would BE unreasonable? That makes no sense either. Some 85 year-old grandmother would just up and run if told to, not stopping to shoot the shit out of someone breaking the door down.

Wait. That just happened not too long ago. And, in New Orleans, elderly women were wrestled to the ground and beaten senseless after refusing to surrender their guns. But the police did that, and they have to be reasonable. Right? Fighting law enforcement should be UNreasonable. Right?

Fuck it. If you have a RIGHT to be where you are and some scumdog says otherwise then shoot him in the shortribs and be done with it.

The Alamo DIDN'T have a backdoor. And neither should all of Texas. Way back when, fellow calling himself Santa Anna wanted your guns. Bunch of guys said hell-no, then duked it out with the old swine. If your local elected representative is unaware of this, have him or her go look it up, then ask if the defenders of that old mission didn't have to run then why do you?

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