Thursday, March 15, 2007

Another Bright-Bulb Loses His Watts

Patriots who understand two things...the English language, and the intent of our Founding Fathers...have forever known that the Constitution does not "create" rights, but protects them. Others, socialist haters of ALL things American, for example, are of the opinion that all the Constitution did at the time was create a list of ideas they wanted to be converted to "rights".

I was unaware of the fact that Hugh Hewitt believes Madame Erwin to be one of the smart girls, and if this is correct then Hugh Hewitt just became one of the dumb broads.

The Wise Guy

The decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit interpreted the Second Amendment as bestowing on individuals a right to have guns.
"No it did not either, Erwin. You've been spinning your subversive interpretation of the Second Amendment for more years than I can remember, but I'm not going to let you get away with a damned lie that anyone who can read can disprove."

The War On Guns has the whole skinny on this cretin.

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