Thursday, March 15, 2007

Parents rally to thwart lifting of handgun ban...


STORY: Welfare Moonbats Want Guns To Remain A No-No

"It has been less than three years since Deborah Evans-Bailey's daughter was fatally shot outside her home. Yet every time she leaves her house she is transported back to the sound of gun-shots, the frantic dash outside and the sight of her 23-year-old child being carried away by an emergency crew.

"There are so many [guns] in Washington DC," she told The Independent, sitting in the living room in the hard-scrabble Anacostia district of the city. "To give permission for anyone to have a gun to shoot¿ there will be a bloodbath."

Mrs Evans-Bailey says she will continue to campaign against gun ownership. She has formed an organisation (sic) named in her daughter's memory and has produced posters bearing the names and photographs of just 20 of the young people killed in the US capital by guns over the years Its tagline is simple: "Real guns kill real people"

How's about: Real parents teach their children to go to work, stay off of welfare, and most of all, NEVER to kill people for the fun of it.

Okay, okay, that's impossible so maybe we SHOULD ban guns as long as there are minorities.

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