Thursday, March 15, 2007

Bartender And Two Auxiliary Officers Shot In Lower East Side

"A gunman executed a bartender and shot dead two unarmed auxiliary cops last night in the heart of Greenwich Village before he was killed in a blistering gunfight with plainclothes officers, police said.

More than 50 shots were fired during the bloodbath that erupted about 9:20 p.m. when the gunman walked into De Marco's Pizzeria and Restaurant on W.Houston St. at MacDougal St., police said.

Wearing a fake beard and a gray sweat suit, the gunman shot the bartender 15 times in the back after the bartender gave him a menu and turned away, witnesses told cops.

"He just came in and opened fire," said a 26-year-old waiter from another restaurant. "People here are saying it was some kind of vengeance thing."

Flight attendant Alan McDonald, 39, of Queens, said he and several friends were only feet away when the madman confronted Pekearo and Marshalik, who had been following him from the pizzeria.

"We thought it was a street fight at first," McDonald said.

The two auxiliary officers wrestled with the gunman, David Garvin, 31, over a black shoulder bag that police sources said was packed with about 100 rounds of ammunition and a .380-caliber Russian handgun.

Both auxiliary cops continued after Garvin even after he started firing, McDonald said...

As Garvin began to run again, about six plainclothes cops intercepted him between Sullivan and MacDougal Sts. and told him to drop his 9-mm. handgun, police said.

The gunman refused and opened fire as terrified pedestrians ran into restaurants, shops and doorways for cover. When it was over Garvin lay dead in the street.

"He was on the ground, facedown. ... He was full of bullet holes and blood was coming out," said witness Jess Sears, 48.

"It must have been a whole magazine, 15 or 20 shots. Within two minutes there were hundreds of cops."

Can't swing a dead street vendor without hitting a plainclothes cop in that part of town, so the swift law enforcement response doesn't surprise me. What DID give me pause was the fact that the cheap ass NYPD continues to use civilian volunteers, unarmed civilian volunteers (can't carry a gun in NYC unless you are one of the SPECIAL people), as street informants, and still refers to them as police officers of any kind.

Auxiliary officers do traffic duty, or call the nearest armed cop whenever they see a drug deal or prostitute going down. Why these two mentally challenged individuals decided to wrestle with an obviously larger man armed with a gun is beyond comprehension. And no, it isn't clear if he used a .380 or 9 mm to do his dastardly deed. The reason he as well as NYPD's Finest need to fire so very many times is due to the mouseguns both good and bad guys use to patrol the naked city. Punks like them because they are far easier to control, and cops use them because switching to a real gun would give Al Sharpton a brain hemorrhage.

And yes; Bloomberg is howling. Not about the poor tactics that led to unnecessary deaths, but his favorite evil inanimate object.

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