Thursday, March 15, 2007

We Pause For A Word From The Religion Of Peace...

JAKARTA, Indonesia — "The editor of Playboy magazine in Indonesia was found guilty and faces a two-year jail term for violating moral norms by publishing pornographic images and stories, while protesters called for him to be hanged.

More than 150 members of the Indonesian People Forum said Erwin Arnada should die for his crimes, chanting "hang him, hang him," according to a Reuters report.

"He was found guilty for violating moral norm that spark people unrest," Prosecutor Resni Muchtar said during a hearing in South Jakarta District Court Tuesday, the Post reported. He said the maximum punishment was two years and eight months."

Yes, one may buy and sell women in the streets of Jakarta, but don't dare show pictures of them naked. Moslems are the religious version of Las Vegas. What goes on behind a moslems closed door stays behind a moslems closed door. Rape, incest, bestiality, prostitution galore, but bring any of it out in the open and it's hang 'em high.

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Speak yer peace, fella's