Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Concealed Carry Losing Ground In Peoples Republic Of Ohio

More people losing concealed-carry permits

"Ohio sheriffs revoked more than twice as many permits to carry a concealed handgun in 2006 than in 2005, according to a recent report from the attorney general?s office.

Sheriffs revoked 194 concealed-carry licenses in 2006, compared with 75 in 2005 and 42 in 2004, the first year Ohioans could get a permit to carry a hidden firearm.

The report from Attorney General Marc Dann's office is based on statistics reported by local sheriffs, who did not report reasons for revoking the permits. Authorities may withdraw concealed-carry licenses from people who die, move out of state, have a disqualifying criminal conviction or are classified as mentally incompetent or drug- or alcoholdependent.

Sheriffs suspended 352 concealed-carry permits in 2006, compared with 219 in 2005 and 78 in 2004, according to the attorney general's report.

At the same time, the number of licenses issued continued to drop. Sheriffs issued 18,781 licenses in 2006, a 16.5 percent decrease from 2005 and a 59 percent decline from the number of licenses given between April 2004, when the law took effect, and the end of that year."

This is disturbing, but not surprising given the anti-CCW attitude of Ohio politicians and law enforcement. Missing from the above reasons for revoking or denying a permit, is the fact that the little Caesar's referring to themselves as "sheriffs", are of the belief that Shall-Issue means maybe. When I get around to it. And as long as it isn't Cleveland.

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