Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Why We Do It

There are 3 steps to being a great man. The first is arriving at a heretofore unthinkable conclusion, fighting through the slings and arrows launched against it, then finding enough followers to continue the battle long after the originator has long since passed.

Our Founding Fathers were such men. They declared their independence, waged war against the most powerful nation on earth, and left a legacy for us to honor. That is why we fight the Bloomberg's and the Pelosi's and the Kennedy's and the Clinton's and the Zumbo's. To keep sacred the rights the Founders enumerated as belonging to all men. In doing so, we stand in the shadow of their greatness, and hope that with a little bit of luck some of it will wear off on us. The fight they fought was far more difficult than the one we find ourselves engaged in. They beat Great Britain, and all we have to do is beat the traitors in our midst, and the stormtroopers they've employed to shear us like the sheep they believe us to be. For us, it's all about RIGHTS. For them, it's all about who gets to wield the power.

But it's far easier to rally around a great man than to go it alone. There is no Ronald Reagan to follow to and past the gates of hell, no Washington or Jefferson to invigorate our spirits when the going gets tough. And that is where the Founders had it all over us. They were surrounded by other great men to share the load, and we, we have Julie Annie. This doesn't mean our battle is destined to end in failure and disgrace, but what it does mean is that each and every one of us must find some measure of the great man within so that the sum of the parts is equal to the task.

Standing upon the shoulders of giants should allow for a better view than they had. That used to be the single most important factor in the creation, then prosperity, of a given society.

Apart, we are alone in the wilderness. Together, we are the toughest son of a bitch in the valley. And nobody said it was going to be easy. Hell, we leave easy for the French. So when you think you've reached the end of your rope, think of the war THEY won, then tie a knot in it and hang on. You're not alone.

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