Monday, March 19, 2007

Dickie And The Fridge


By Dick Morris and Eileen McGann

"In the aftermath of Hillary’s two big mistakes — attacking Obama over the remarks of David Geffen and competing with the Illinois Senator for African American votes at Selma, Ala. — Obama has now closed in on Hillary dramatically, moving within seven points of the frontrunner, in the latest Time Magazine poll. Nationally, Hillary’s lead has collapsed to 30-23, with Edwards running a distant third.

Hillary’s fall — Time had her ahead of Obama by 40-21 in January — has been animated by a switch of black voters among whom she had been leading by three to one. But that was before she made the colossal mistake of attacking Obama for the comments of his financial supporter David Geffen. Obama had been wrestling with the dilemma of how to attract black voters without embracing civil rights leaders like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Then Hillary, led by her consultant Mark Penn, decided to unload on Obama, blaming him for Geffen’s remarks which criticized her husband’s pardons and his personal “recklessness.” Faced with a white attacking a black candidate, African Americans rallied in droves to support Obama, closing the gap between the two Democratic front-runners to eleven points."

Morris is off base as usual. Black "ministers" are lining up to feed at the Clinton trough, and the Hollywood power brokers are funneling tons of cash towards Hussein to attract the same folks. The bottom line is the Reverends will take as much money from BOTH camps as they can get away with, and its surprising that Lil Dick doesn't see the scam. That, or he's too afraid to mention it, the same way he tailored mention of Hillary speaking "in a Southern accent," when it wasn't a southern accent at all but a rambling, incoherent black one. And please now, Hillary not wanting to become associated with Al or Jesse? Not overtly, perhaps, but don't tell me that Clinton cash isn't or won't soon be lining the pockets of those two misanthropes.

But the real puzzle is, who is this Eileen McGann chick that he's sharing a byline with. Lo and behold, it's his wife. And the last time I saw a neck that thick was when asking William The Refrigerator Perry for an autograph. A guy in drag looking THAT bad gets booed off the stage at Le Cage Aux Folles in Greenwich Village.

Then again, Dick's face has mushroomed to the point whereby he more closely resembles an overfed Hobbit than anything else, so I guess he and Eileen the Fridge have at long last finally beaten Anorexia.

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