Monday, March 19, 2007

Shorn On A Mountaintop In Tennessee

ANTIOCH, Tenn.- "Some people in a Nashville neighborhood are furious over a new rule that makes it illegal to own a gun.

Residents in Nashboro Village said it's unconstitutional and leaves them defenseless.

Two weeks ago, residents received a from their homeowners' association indicating that guns are not allowed on the property.

"It thought it was ironic that they say you can't have something when the United States government says you can," said resident Cristina Salajanu.

Salajanu would like to give her neighborhood management company a history lesson.

"I think it's unconstitutional," Salajanu said. "They can't tell you what to own or not to own in your own house."

Salajanu is talking about the Bill of Rights, specifically the Second Amendment, which grants citizens the right to keep and bear arms. It's been an American freedom for 215 years but Salajanu and other residents said it's been taken away from them..."

Regardless of what the Homeowners Ass. says, if these people moved in BEFORE the commies took over, then do not have to surrender their firearms. So says my lawyer cousin Sal, who added that "They should be a man and tell the association to shove it..."

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