Sunday, March 18, 2007

Final Word On The Gonzales Flap

WASHINGTON - "In a dramatic conference call Friday, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales offered a mea culpa to the nation's 93 U.S. attorneys for the way the Justice Department fired eight of their colleagues.

But Gonzales, facing growing criticism from Republicans, did not apologize for the firings, which internal e-mails indicate were politically motivated, an official familiar with the call said yesterday.

It was planned as a pep talk to raise morale at a Justice Department tainted by the firings and the FBI's misuse of the Patriot Act, but Gonzales also apologized for how the dismissals were handled and for suggesting there were problems with the prosecutors' job performances.

E-mail exchanges involving Gonzales' former chief of staff and others, including White House officials, contradict claims by Gonzales that he had been in the dark about the way his ex-top aide had carried out the dismissals and that they were not politically motivated."

This bears repeating, if only because the liberal press continues to shadowbox with the truth.

When Bill Clinton fired all 93 US Attorneys the media treated it like he had the mandate to do so because, after all, it was HIS house now. Let a Republican fire ANY, and it suddenly becomes politically motivated news, and but of course it's politically motivated, you idiots. Dollars to doughnuts Hillary fires them all too, and save this page when she does so we can all tell the mainstream loons that WE TOLD YOU SO.

Sure, Gonzales isn't worth the powder to blow him to hell, but a spade is a spade, and we do look after our own even when they're really not.

And they call this a DRAMATIC CONFERENCE CALL? And didn't give much of a damn when Mr. Janet Reno was lopping heads one after another?

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