Sunday, March 18, 2007

I Leave Town For A Little While...

..And return to find that one of my favorite blogs has deleted the link to Messenger.

By favorite blogs I mean one of the places I go when in need of a quick reality check. In keeping my ego-footprint as small as possible, it helps to occasionally take notice of a primer on how to be self-absorbed to the point of being clinically arrogant, bombastic, vainglorious, and certainly not least, windbaggish. Since one is known for the company one keeps, this is proof positive that I've maintained a membership in good standing within the human race. I honestly do not know what it is like to be a small person, so I really shouldn't bitch about them, but I've taken notice that they swear little fealty to anything save for their own well being.

Guess I shouldn't have said "little". I wasn't put on this earth to bash the smallfolk, so I apologize.

I'll keep the link to said wee-one for the aforementioned reasons.

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Speak yer peace, fella's