Monday, March 12, 2007

House Repubs Angered At Invite To CAIR

WASHINGTON — "A House Republican leadership group said Monday that Democrats should retract an offer to let the nation's largest Islamic civil liberties organization use a Capitol conference room for a seminar.

The House Republican Conference referred to the Council on American-Islamic Relations as "terrorist apologists" and called on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to cancel the forum scheduled for Tuesday.

"Democrats arrange official meeting with pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah group in U.S. Capitol," headlined a Conference press release carrying a Washington Times article on the planned meeting.

"It's really disappointing," said CAIR national communications director Ibrahim Hooper, that whenever there's an attack from elective officials "we don't even ask any more which party it is. It should be a concern to ordinary Republicans that the party is being viewed as a reservoir of anti-Muslim hate."

Um, let's see now, shall we, Hoopy. Your people killed thousands of ours. The last, oh, 7000 terrorist attacks throughout the world have been perpetrated by your people.

Neither you, nor your pig sucking organization has never apologized for the actions of your brothers in faith, nor even condemned such actions.

Of course we don't want your slimy asses anywhere NEAR our Capitol. Last time a group of crazed moslems flew near it, they wanted to fly INTO it. And what does this say about Princess Nancy?

Nothing we didn't already know. We've detested that witch longer than we've detested you, and it figures that a religion that enslaves women is just fine with our little Princess.

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Speak yer peace, fella's