Monday, March 12, 2007

Hillary's Blackface Wearing Off...

March 12, 2007 -- "WHILE Hillary Rodham Clinton came out second best to Barack Obama in their long-range oratorical duel at Selma, Ala., the real problem with her visit there a week ago concerned her March 4 speech's claim of her attachment to Martin Luther King Jr. as a high school student in 1963. How, then, could she be a "Goldwater girl" in the next year's presidential election?

The incompatibility of those two positions of 40 years ago was noted to me by Democratic old-timers who were shocked by Sen. Clinton's temerity in pursuing her presidential candidacy. Barry Goldwater's opposition to the 1964 voting-rights bill was not incidental to his run for the White House but an integral element of conscious departure from Republican tradition that contributed to his disastrous performance.

Of course, no political candidate should have to explain inconsistencies of her high school days. What Hillary Clinton said at Selma is significant because it betrays her campaign's panicky reaction to the unexpected rise of Sen. Obama as a serious competitor for the Democratic nomination..."

Wow, so she lied, huh? Mrs. Bill Clinton told an untruth. She is, after all, a lawyer and that comes with the territory, but pandering to blacks is just so swarmy and reptilian someone should take the woman to task for being too much of a low-life, even for a politician. As usual, if this sort of background information been made available from a Conservative's past the MSM would be renting billboards to bring it to our attention, and not just the NY Post. But look at it this way...

The vetting process has only just begun. The woman is incapable of telling, then sticking to the truth, so there's a lot more where this came from.

Gotta be. She's a Clinton. A lawyer. A politician. An unholy a trinity if ever there was one.

We have a dream, too, Mrs. Bill. And that is to see you lambasted for being a certified human slug, so keep them tidbits coming, and reapply the black-face because you just can't help yourself, can you.

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