Monday, March 19, 2007

Indicted Cop Treats Himself To One Helluva Fling

Then, vying with islam for the title of most sensitive, ever-angry, and last but never least how dare you defend yourself such as Oliver did when the thankfully dead punk tried running him over, the local minority beggars had this to say...

"It was a "slap in the face" for the cop accused of firing 31 shots at Sean Bell to party at an East Side hot spot just a day after he was indicted in the fatal shooting, Bell's pastor said yesterday.

Detective Michael Oliver shocked even his supporters when he dined on $180 pasta with truffles and $575 bottles of wine at celebrity hangout Nello's on Saturday night - racking up a $4,200 bill.

Even supporters of the accused cops say the three (policemen indicted for the shooting) have been warned to avoid appearing to thumb their noses at the victim and the black community."

Yeah, getting on with your life and enjoying yourself is a no-no in the NYC jungle, when you've iced one of the natives. Stupid ass cop should have just went and joined a monastery.

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