Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Sound Of One Hand Typing

Having had the pleasure of meeting both Steve McQueen and Lee Marvin, I know firsthand that both of them credited the Marine Corps for teaching them how to become actors. R. Lee Ermy, the Gunny of Full Metal Jacket and Mail Call fame, pretty much feels the same way. I've been fooling around with some Ipodish workings and have both Rush and Boortz down to a humorous T, and Lisa is working on the chalkboard nasality of Laura. When it is truly funny I might give it a go here, if the quality can be at least halfway decent. I truly feel for those who, out of sheer boredom, are forcing themselves to listen to the squeaky-voiced clan as they post audio after audio of one unfunny, unprofessional, claptrap after another. Sounds to grow grass by isn't my cup of tea.

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