Friday, March 16, 2007

Liberals Now Weepy Over An Old Gonzales Email

"Some Republicans and conservative commentators have said it's time for Gonzales to go.

"I've thought he could survive up until now," said a senior Bush political strategist. "But if he's shown to be a liar by these e-mails, he can't tough it out for long."

Bush's inner circle hasn't yet concluded Gonzales is finished, he added, but chief of staff Josh Bolten and chief counsel Fred Fielding are concerned that the attorney general's credibility has slipped badly with this week's revelations.

Sen. Chuck Schumer said Rove must be called to account as well.

"New e-mails show conclusively that Karl Rove was in the middle of this mess from the beginning. It is now imperative that he testify before Congress," said Schumer (D-N.Y.). "Statements from those involved have proved to be false, false, false, time after time after time."

The White House and Justice Department denied the e-mail repudiates their previous statements. "In no way does this contradict what we have said," insisted Bush spokesman Tony Fratto, adding it was simply White House officials inquiring about potential plans."

When William Jefferson Clinton strode into office with his 43% mandate, he fired all 93 U.S. Attorneys. This was considered "non-partisan" and simply a matter of cleaning house. And leave it to the NY Daily News to report that "some Republicans and Conservative commentators" are calling for Gonzales to resign, without naming them.


I wanted to do a state by state update of his journey to D.C. but "letting the enemy know when we'll arrive" appears to be out of the question. So Fits has not just called from northern Georgia.

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