Friday, March 16, 2007

Police Shoot At Rampaging Man 56 Times...No Word From Al Sharpton Yet

PSYCHO: Slain rampage killer David Garvin, acting the part of a filmmaker on his Web site, earned a “less than honorable” discharge from the Marines and amassed an arsenal of weapons in his Bronx home.
PSYCHO: "Slain rampage killer David Garvin, acting the part of a filmmaker on his Web site, earned a “less than honorable” discharge from the Marines and amassed an arsenal of weapons in his Bronx home."

You simply must read this account of the recent shootings in NYC's Greenwich Village. Not only does it prove that New York needs to take a serious look at sending unarmed officers into the street (they do it for free and save the city precious dollars it can then give to welfare cases), but that owning 3 guns constitutes amassing an arsenal. And as usual, the cops are crying more over their loss than the family of the slain bartender is, he gets little attention by the way, and yes it is a tragedy but do all grown men act like this or only law enforcement?

Whatever happened to the strong silent type?

It seems clear that David Garvin was looking for suicide-by-cop, was frustrated when he hit upon the unarmed kids trailing him, but soon got his wish when the real men arrived and Dialo'd him.

And since Mayor Bloomberg cannot ban Marines from the city, I guess it's time yet again to do away with handguns. Is he the white version of Al Sharpton, or what?

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