Monday, March 19, 2007


March 17, 2007 -- "The shooting deaths of two auxiliary cops must spur the Democratic-controlled Congress to pass tougher gun legislation, Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday.

He also called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Thursday to urge her to act - and said that if she didn't she'd have blood on her hands, the mayor said.

"The Democrats have said repeatedly that they blame the Republicans for no gun legislation," an angry Bloomberg said during his WABC radio show.

"Well, now they're in charge. OK, stand up. And if not, I'm going to tell everybody."

Holy Shit! Bloomberg is gonna tell! This is the misanthrope who favors sending unarmed men into the mean streets, then cries like a little girl when they're killed just like ANY FRICKIN' OTHER citizen would have been in NO-GUNS-FOR-YOU NYC.

His cops, 35,000 strong, can parade about armed to the teeth, but regardless what the 2nd Amendment identified as an irrefutable right, Bloomy thinks you and I should remain victims because criminals do bad things. Hey, Mike, it's BECAUSE criminals do bad things that we NEED guns, you troglodyte..

Can't make this shit up. Unarmed men gunned down, and instead of taking the blame, he passes the buck. And another clue for ya' Mike; the Dems have the barest majority and we're not letting them screw with our rights.

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