Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Scam Alert: Florida's Senator Mel Martinez Sees Gold In Them Thar Terrorists

March 6, 2007 -

Washington, DC - "U.S. Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) today voted to direct additional funds from the Department of Homeland Security to Florida. In a speech on the Senate floor, Senator Martinez made the case that homeland security funding should be based on risk; as they are currently, the arbitrary formulas guarantee a percentage of homeland security dollars to all states regardless of risk. Unfortunately, the effort to correct the problem failed to overcome a procedural hurdle placed by opponents of the measure by a vote of 43 to 56.

Martinez said:

“The smartest approach to funding for homeland security grants is based on the level of risk faced by communities, not by some arbitrary formula. Places that are more at risk to terrorist attacks should receive more funding. This is the approach articulated and supported by the Secretary of Homeland Security and the 9/11 commission, and it is one that this body should approve.

In Florida, we have ports, tourism, large population centers; we have major cities such as Miami, Tampa and Jacksonville, all with stadiums and professional sport franchises and busy downtowns."

So? Maybe you haven't noticed, Senior, but we are at war with people who wish to make the most impressive statement possible, and bang-for-buck wise, homicide bombers visiting Disney World isn't going to happen given their limited resources.

This, "ME-TOO, ME-TOO!" approach to lining up at the public trough just to get more toys for law enforcement to play with has been pissing me off for quite some time now. Illegal aliens pose a far greater threat to states such as Florida, but it isn't politically correct enough for Senators to approach the podium with hat in hand just to ask for Beaner-Repellent.

Florida IS under the same attack as many other states, so lets put those hard earned tax dollars to better use by clamping down on Mr. & Mrs. Pedro, rather than shiny new Suburbans for SWAT.

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