Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Stop The Presses: Moslems Mad Again...

This Time Over The Movie "300"

March 14, 2007 -- "Iran blasted Hollywood's latest blockbuster yesterday, saying it spreads lies about a 2,500-year-old battle in order to launch a cultural war against Iranians.

The movie "300," which earned a huge $70 million in its opening U.S. weekend, is "cultural and psychological warfare," the Tehran gov ernment declared.

Iranians, including thousands who signed an online petition de nouncing the film, say it portrays their an cient forbears as crazed monsters led by an effeminate emperor, Xerxes, who is outfought by heroic Greeks in the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 B.C.

"Hollywood declares war on Iranians," read a headline in the moderate newspaper Ayandeh-No.

A front-page article charged that the film spreads the lie that Iran "has long been the source of evil, and modern Iran's ancestors are the ugly murderous savages you see in '300.' "

Pirated copies of the film are the talk of Tehran. Four members of the Iranian parliament urged the government to take steps to ensure Muslim countries ban "this anti-Iranian Hollywood movie," the official government news agency reported..."

"...modern Iran's ancestors are the ugly murderous savages you see in '300.' "

Nah. They're peaceloving little scamps who just want to grow daffodils and work tirelessly for Toys for Tots.

So they pirate the movie then profess to be civilized folken.

Can't make this shit up.

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