Monday, March 12, 2007

Tell Us Where You Live...

Shedding light on concealed handguns

"Today is the start of Sunshine Week, the annual week in which we reflect on the importance of open government and public records. To mark the occasion, I want to take you on an excursion into freedom of information land. We're going to find out who in the New River Valley has a concealed handgun permit.

I can hear the shocked indignation of gun-toters already: It's nobody's business but mine if I want to pack heat.

Au contraire. Because the government handles the permitting, it is everyone's business..."

French. I hate French. But look at this guy, of course he'd toss French around like his middle name was Kerry.

So then, Mr. Trejbal (French, for 3-balls?), since the government handles providing abortions for women on welfare, lets see the list. I know you're a limpwristed loon, Christian, because you believe that only SOME lists should be made available to the public. Right, Trejballs? I mean, the FBI can't walk into a library, a government owned library, and ask to see the list of books a moslem has been reading about how to blow up a Trejballs neighborhood, without loons screaming like stuck pigs about how it violates the PRIVACY CLAUSE in the Constitution.

Not that there IS a PRIVACY CLAUSE, but when loons want to hide their precious little affiliations with dirty people, vi-oh-la*.

How's about the battered woman, Trejballs? You know, the ones on the run from their abusive spouses. The ones who have hidden themselves and their kids, and taken advantage of a REAL Constitutional right by obtaining a gun to protect themselves.

Do you know now how many of these women have been tracked down and killed because Trejballs the country over have made their addresses available?

Or how many homes, some of them sheltering the disabled, the seniors among us, have been invaded and robbed for their expensive guns?

Let's just see how far we can stretch this, shall we Threeballs? FDIC insures your bank account, doesn't it? Last I checked, FDIC is a government agency, so how's about you saving me the hassle and just telling me how much money you've got socked away in the Threeball College Fund for the Threeball kids.

See where we can go with this, Christian old pal? Tell you what. You show me all of your information you'd like to keep private, then I'll show you mine.

Deal? Au contraire?

Disgusting little twat, aren't you.

*French for Holy Shit, Look At This.


The Roanoke Times Removes Database of Handgun Permit Holders

March 12, 2007 — The Roanoke Times has decided to remove the online database of registered concealed handgun permit holders from its website.

The newspaper is requesting the Virginia State Police, which provided the information, verify the data.

“When we posted the information, we had every reason to believe that the data the State Police had supplied would comply with the statutes. But people have notified us that the list includes names that should not have been released,” said Debbie Meade, president and publisher of The Roanoke Times. “Out of a sense of caution and concern for the public we have decided to take the database off of our website.”

The database was posted on on Sunday as part of a New River Valley editorial page column about open records. This column, as well as others that will be published this week, is part of a special focus on Sunshine Week, a national initiative to raise awareness about open government and freedom of information."

Names that should not have been released. How MANY times must we endure such blatant incompetence as provided by our charming media?

Do any of these dolts stop to think what this information can and will do to the innocent?

Nah. The original article above was not only written to inform, but to stick it to gun owners, and such an agenda should never be accepted without a fight.

Then again, what precisely do they mean by names that should not have been released? One would fervently hope that the Roanoke Times saw the error of its ways in exposing the innocent, but dollars to doughnuts there were names of law enforcement officers on the list and that of course wouldn't be kosher.

Since they've taken to covering up the reason perhaps we'll never know, and I await the response to an email I've sent but am not holding my breath.

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