Friday, April 06, 2007

8 Policemen Suspended In Ticket Scalping Case

"Eight city police officers who used World Series tickets seized from scalpers were suspended without pay for 14 days and may lose up to $20,000 each in wages from reduced rank, Chief Joe Mokwa announced this afternoon.

He said what they did was "intolerable" but added that they are "not thieves" and "can be redeemed."


They aren't thieves, Chief? They stole. Stealing, wait a sec while I look it up...yep, just as I suspected, makes one a THIEF. These weren't run of the mill thieves, either. These were men who used a badge of office to steal, and that makes them, Chief...

WORSE than common thieves. They dishonored their uniforms, their fellow citizens, their fellow officers, their city, their state, and their country. They should thusly be gifted with penalties far more severe than those handed out to mere crooks, Chief.

Get my drift?

Thanks to The War on Guns

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