Friday, April 06, 2007

Boo-Hoo...The Bad Iran Men MADE Us Do It...

ROYAL MARINE BASE CHIVENOR, England — The 15 British sailors and marines seized by Iran said Friday they were blindfolded, kept in isolation and warned that if they didn't admit being in Iranian waters they faced up to seven years in jail.

"We were interrogated most nights and given two options," the crew said in an agreed statement read at a press conference. "If we admitted that we had strayed, we would be back on a plane to the UK pretty soon. If we didn't, we faced up to seven years in prison," they revealed.

The group insisted they were in Iraqi waters when they were detained and said that in captivity they suffered "constant psychological pressure." They said they heard weapons being cocked behind them and feared the worst.

"Let me make this clear — irrespective of what was said in the past, we were inside Iraqi waters," Lt. Felix Carman told a news conference attended by 5 of the 15 British sailors and marines held in Iran for nearly two weeks.

"From the outset, it was very apparent that fighting back was not an option," Marine Captain Chris Air said of their capture in the Gulf on March 23.

Within hours of the news conference, Iranian state television said the British military had "dictated" to its sailors what to say.

Air said the crew faced an aggressive Iranian crew. "They rammed our boats, and trained their heavy machine guns, RPGs, and weapons on us."

"We realized that had we resisted there would have been a major fight, one we could not have won and with consequences major strategic impacts," Air said "We made a conscious decision not to engage the Iranians and do as they asked."

Great Scot, but I hope there's never a time I find myself beset by numerically superior forces.

Wait. I seem to recall...

There wasn't a shot fired because they were frightened into surrendering. Surrendering is something one does when one is out of ammo and wishing to save wounded comrades. Surrendering, then sniff, being isolated and forced to wear blindfolds just to go home is cowardly and to a man and woman these Brits were a disgrace to their uniforms.

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