Wednesday, April 11, 2007

All Sex-Assault Charges Against Duke Lacrosse Players Dropped; Players Glad Ordeal Is Over

All sexual assault, kidnapping and other charges have been dropped against the three Duke University lacrosse players indicted for raping an exotic dancer, North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper announced Wednesday.

"The result of our review and investigation shows clearly that there is insufficient evidence to proceed on any of the charges," Cooper said. "Today we are filing notices of dismissal for all charges."

About time. The rush to grievance precipitated by the ivy-halled morons masquerading as teachers had it's 15 minutes of fame, took a lot of good reputations along with it, and don't hold your breath awaiting an apology.

These young men will forever carry this stigma because society sucks and liberals suck the most and there's not much any of us can offer in the way of making things right again. But something tells me that they'll recover quite well and be stronger for what was done to them in the name of political correctness.

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