Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Heal, Fred, Heal

Former Senator Fred Thompson in Remission for Lymphoma

WASHINGTON — Former Tennessee Republican Sen. Fred Thompson, who has been mulling a run for the White House, told FOX News on Wednesday he's in remission from indolent lymphoma.

“As you know, I’m thinking about running for president. There are certain things that you have to check off, in my mind, in order to do that,” Thompson said.

The "Law & Order" star said he was diagnosed with the disease in 2004 after a routine physical. He said the cancer is "fortunately a good kind if you can ever call something like that a good kind" and treatable.

"I have had no illness from it, or even any symptoms. My life expectancy should not be affected. I am in remission, and it is very treatable with drugs if treatment is needed in the future — and with no debilitating side effects," Thompson said in a personal commentary following the interview.

According to the American Cancer Society, this year doctors will diagnose about 63,000 new cases of indolent lymphoma, a slow-growing type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system, the part of the body that helps regulate the immune system.

Thompson has a favorable prognosis, said Dr. Bruce Cheson of Georgetown University Hospital. Thompson had been on a cancer therapy called Rituxan, but is not currently in treatment..."

Now we know why he's been dilly-dallying. Fred, if this will take a day from your life expectancy then don't do it. If you win, then its only a matter of time before ungrateful wretches become bored and/or irate with you, so leave this earthly plane with as much dignity as you can.

Fact of the matter is you're probably too good for this job, Fred. I for one would never want a position in life that Hillary Clinton aspired to, and if you're half the man I think you are, then neither do you. By all means, get back into politics if your health care providers give you the green light, but until the Presidency regains at least some of its lost luster dismiss all thoughts of wanting to do what John Edwards, John Kerry, Howard Dean, and the aforementioned Queen of The Despicable want to do for a living. You just don't want to be a part of any club that would have them as a member.

Better yet, hook up with Rudi as his running mate. You can handle all the tough social issues while Julie Annie learns all about them foreigners that wish to do us harm, and at long last finally gets some payback for 9-11. You'd be his conscience, Fred. His link to Conservatism. When Congress is pushing for one abortion "right" or another, or looking to pass some anti-gun bill, or is right at the cusp of letting gays marry, Julie is going to look to you and ask what would a Republican do, and you can take it from there. Let Julie absorb the vilification like Bush, while you remain above the fray like Dick.

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