Tuesday, April 03, 2007

At Last! Something Mayor Bloomberg DOESN'T Believe To Be Worth Banning!

"Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday he will veto legislation banning aluminum bats in city high schools, knocking the controversial issue back to City Council for an expected override.

"I don't think that it's the city's business to regulate that," Bloomberg said.

The bill's supporters say aluminum bats are significantly more dangerous than wooden bats because balls come off them much faster and harder.

Opponents say there's no credible scientific evidence showing a difference between wood and aluminum bats."

Disregarding the obvious difference, all other things being equal a ball will travel 20% farther off a metal bat as opposed to a wooden one, and that the Major Leagues don't dare use them for fear of endangering their infielders, and that the tensile strength of aluminum is far greater than wood...

How interesting IS it that Bloomy thinks its OK to burn the Bill of Rights but that aluminum bats are just fine? Not that banning them should be something a city does, but this particular city bans just about every OTHER thing, so wassup with that?

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