Tuesday, April 03, 2007

NYPD Adds Moslem Cleric To Chaplin Ranks

...No, not Charlie Chaplin, the real thing...

"For only the second time in its history, the NYPD has hired a Muslim cleric to minister to its ranks and reach out to the community.

Imam Khalid Latif, a chaplain at Princeton and New York universities, became the latest addition to the NYPD chaplains unit yesterday.

"Traditionally, the department has relied on Catholic, Protestant and Jewish chaplains to provide the bulk of our counseling needs," Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said. "Khalid Latif is an outstanding addition to the department."

While the NYPD does not require its members to disclose religious affiliation, Kelly estimated there are thousands of Muslims among the department's officers and civilian employees..."

Isn't THAT just peachy. Sworn to destroy all non-moslems, women hater extraordinaries, yet the NYPD thinks they're good to go.

Can't make this stuff up.

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