Friday, April 13, 2007

Bill Made It Harder For Law Enforcement To Keep Database For Legally Purchased Guns...

So Of Course Bloomberg Doesn't Like It...

CINCINNATI - "Mayor Bloomberg is footing the bill for another major campaign, but this one won't put him in office.

The mayor unveiled plans yesterday to pay for a national ad campaign against proposed federal legislation that he says would keep cops from tracing illegal guns.

"We are trying to keep guns out of the hands of criminals," an impassioned Bloomberg said at the Cincinnati Police Academy.

"They are killing our children and they're killing our police officers, and it's just got to stop."

The Coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the group the mayor co-founded a year ago, is taking aim at the Tiahrt Amendment, legislation named for Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.) that the group says restricts local law enforcement agency's access to federal gun data.

In a two-minute version of one of the TV ads, Scott Knight, the police chief in Chaska, Minn. (pop. 18,000) says, "We are fighting criminals and illegal guns. Why is Congress fighting us?"

Bloomberg declined to say how much he would spend on the campaign, which he announced just as the National Rifle Association opens its annual convention in Missouri.

"Mayor Bloomberg is intent on getting media attention, however he can," said Chris Cox, chief lobbyist for the National Rifle Association, calling the ad campaign "bogus" and "reckless."

An aide to Tiahrt said the congressman felt blindsided by Bloomberg's announcement because as late as Wednesday, aides to the two men were discussing possible changes to the legislation."

Since the above from the NY Daily News featured one side to the story, here's the real deal from NRO:

"The omnibus appropriations bill passed by the Senate on Thursday contains several important reforms in federal gun laws, to protect the privacy of people who lawfully exercise their constitutional rights. Most of the reforms undo abuses of federal power introduced in the Clinton era.

First, the bill — which passed the House in 2003 — requires that federal records on lawful gun purchasers who are approved by the National Instant Check System be destroyed within 24 hours. As I detailed in an NRO article, when Congress created the NICS in 1993, it added an amendment to require destruction of records on law-abiding gun owners: "No department, agency, officer, or employee of the United States may...use the system established under this section to establish any system for the registration of firearms (or) firearm owners..."

Read it all. Learn the real story and not just the version that Bloomberg and law enforcement officials want you to see.

The Clinton administration did its level best to disarm America, and Bloomberg is doing his to continue such dictatorial practices. They both like the idea of knowing who owns guns so when the time comes to send their jackboots in to steal them, they'll know right where to go.

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