Friday, April 13, 2007

The Last Word On Imus

Imus was blindsided by his own hubris. Thinking that he was too big to take down. After all, weren't many, many others using language to describe blacks that were far worse than his. Weren't people by the millions buying into the ghetto-rap patois and making it a part of polite society with regards to artistic license.

Nope. They are black, you are white, Don, so the jokes on you. You'll be back, thats a foregone conclusion. After a sufficient mourning period, someone will take a chance at "rehabilitating" you and the same advertisers who made tons of money from your schtick will slither back and be glad of it. You forced the libs into doing something they only like to do to Republicans. You made them judge you and this will precipitate a tidal wave of guilt that will soon overwhelm them so sit back and enjoy the vacation. Stock up on the Viagra and spend some time with that hippy-dippy flowerchild wife of yours, but not TOO much time because she married you for the bucks and the notoriety and not to be underfoot every moment of the day, but you know this better than I so it's all cool.

Hell, Don, your return will garner bigger ratings than any mention of nappy-headed ho's could ever. You'll tell the world that you are an artiste and a comedian and a performer who absolutely adores people of all colors and creeds but you need to be YOU and you need to be edgy and funny and the loons of America will exhale because they only canned you to begin with so that Sharpton and Jackson got off their case. And hey, every day those Rutgers gals listen to worse than anything you could dish out...bitches and ho's and fatass don't spend a nanosecond of your time worrying about them.

At the end of every broadcast of the Imus in the Morning Show on WFAN in NY, at 10: 00 AM EST, an announcer would read the following: "This concludes the revenue generating segment of WFAN's broadcast day. We now return you to the remainder of the programming, that exists just so there is something to follow."

At first, Imus drew 60% of the NY flagship stations advertising revenue. It slipped in recent years to 35%, but in the right city he's still a goldmine. Anyone who can bring in 20 million dollars a year is worth the 4 or 5 he is paid. Duh.

The countdown to the return of Imus begins now.

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Speak yer peace, fella's