Thursday, April 05, 2007

Burqa-Girl Pelosi Bungles

April 5, 2007 -- "TWO THOUSAND years ago on the road to Damascus, Saul of Tarsus was struck blind, fell off his donkey, heard the voice of the Lord and became St. Paul.

This week on the road to Damascus, riding on the Democratic donkey, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was struck blind by a prideful ambition - the ambition to conduct a foreign policy for the United States toward the terrorist nation of Syria separate from the one conducted by the president.

On the road to Damascus, St. Paul became one of the revolutionary figures of world civilization.

Nancy Pelosi - not so much.

Yesterday, following a meeting with Syria's tyrant in Damascus, Pelosi proudly informed the world that "I conveyed the message from [Israeli] Prime Minister [Ehud] Olmert that Israel is ready to restart negotiations as well as to talk peace."

Wow! Really?

Um, no.

Almost instantly, Olmert's office issued a clarification saying that Pelosi had mischaracterized Israel's position: The Jewish state will not negotiate with Syria until it ceases its sponsorship of terrorist organizations, stops destabilizing Lebanon and stops making common cause with Iran.


Pelosi said she had come to Syria "determined that the road to Damascus would be the path to peace." How nice. Too bad Syria is about as interested in peace with Israel as Pelosi is interested in peace with George W. Bush.

Usually, when members of Congress travel abroad, they go on fact-finding missions to educate themselves about the goings-on in world hot spots. (Or to play golf.) Not Pelosi.

Pelosi made it clear last week, when she first announced her controversial itinerary, that her purpose in traveling to the Middle East was far more than fact-finding.

She was going to Damascus to open a new line of communication between the tyrannical Assad regime and the United States - a line of communication more appreciative of Syria's wants and needs than the Bush State Department has been.

In other words, she was effectively declaring herself a second secretary of State. Interesting. Isn't her current job challenging enough?

Or did she think it would help her rather steep learning curve as the speaker of the House to travel outside the United States, insert herself into a terrifically delicate diplomatic situation, and make a complete and total ass of herself?"

Can you believe the amateurish gall of this creature? Syrians are aiding and abetting those who kill Americans. Syrians are terrorists. Pelosi thinks that coddling them is as easy as petting a favorite serial killer, and hasn't the slightest idea how dangerous such a "mission" can be. And lets not even dare to repeat what this says about her role as a feminist.

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