Thursday, April 05, 2007


This Week's Ann Coulter

"In light of the increasing noise from the fifth column in America, it is a serious question whether President Bush would have the will to deploy military force even to stop a deadly serious threat to the United States.

I'm speaking, of course, of Darfur.

Saddam's barbaric rape rooms, chemical attacks and torture — those, liberals could live with. But now they want us to send troops to Darfur, a country from which no one anticipates terrorism anytime in the next millennium. If you're looking for a good definition of "no imminent threat," Darfur is it. The climate change "emergency," set to start taking effect sometime during the next century, is a more imminent threat to the United States than Darfur.

These people can't even wrap up genocide. We've been hearing about this slaughter in Darfur forever — and they still haven't finished. The aggressors are moving like termites across that country. It's like genocide by committee. Who's running this holocaust in Darfur, FEMA?

This is truly a war in which we have absolutely no interest. But liberals want our boys to go fight scimitar-wielding dervishes. While the Democrats hold pointless hearings into what George Bush had for breakfast, Republicans should pass a law prohibiting liberals from mentioning Darfur until Horace Mann and Dalton are prepared to put up a battalion...

...If you want a shorter rebuilding process, then we're going to have to wage less humane wars. The enemy — as well as innocent civilians — must be bombed into quivering terror. Otherwise, we displace aggression but don't destroy it.

Americans are weaker for having seen that kind of carnage in World War II. Recall that the Worst Generation was raised by the Greatest Generation. That tells you how awful war is. The Greatest Generation was so exhausted by the war, it didn't have the spine to stand up to pot-smoking, draft-dodging hippies occupying administration buildings. But enough about Bill Clinton. If we're going to have humane wars, they are going to take a little bit longer.

That wouldn't be so bad, except that it gives fifth columnists more time to demoralize Americans and convince them that we are losing a war in the paramount struggle of our time..."

Okay lets see, it's approximately 6:56 PM, so I'll be checking to see how long it takes for the soft-spine'ed ones to begin weeping over this blond chick's stones.

You know. The supposed Republicans who were moments away from sticking their collective heads in a walk-in gas oven because Annie says things like "That's the enemy! Kill Him!"

Well, she's being mean to the bad guys again, and I long for the good old days when only the twinkie liberals would blanch at tough words. We knew the enemy and it was them. Now, the same folks who wouldn't write a bloody thing about the 2nd Amendment but continue to profess their Conservatism, are trapped beneath the glass ceiling of political correctness and ain't breaking free anytime soon.

Ann Coulter is a professional humorist, and by this I mean a successful one, and not some hack blogger who spends 24 hours a day begging bad radio shows to plug his books about how he scammed illiterate black men from Africa. Being a tough-ass humorist means rattling some cages, and for chrissake there was a once upon a time when grown men understood such goings on. The real problem with Ann is the fact that she's ditched the sensitive-nurturing-female thought process...mainly because far too many ball-less males were wimping it to death...and low testosterone males get all itchy when a woman shows more guts than them. This confuses the womenfolk and the children, and before you know it the supplies of Kleenex are long since depleted and ALL of the soft-sisters are huddled together wondering when bad-girl-go-home.

62 years later and we're STILL rebuilding Europe and Japan, and 54 long and hard years dealing with the Korea's, but our chinless socialists want us out of Iraq NOW because their attention span has long since wandered over to something else.

Sweet moses on a pogo, but there's GLOBAL WARMING to fight, dammit. They need to raise taxes and ruin the economy to get that deal under control and all of this middle-east war business is too much of a distraction.

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