Wednesday, April 04, 2007

House Democrats Offer Plan to Ban Use of 'Global War on Terror'

WASHINGTON — "House Minority Leader John Boehner blasted a Democrat-backed plan on Wednesday to ban the use of "global War on Terror" and "long war" in the 2008 defense budget bill.

A memo sent to Democratic staffers on the House Armed Services Committee instructed the aides not to use the specific phrases, the Military Times newspaper reported."

It isn't as if we DIDN'T know what would happen should Burqa Pelosi assume power, but come on now. She bends over, WAY over for a group of people who consider women to be chattel, is doing everything humanly possible to assure defeat in Iraq, and these mealy mouthed, traitorous scumdogs are now so in love with our sworn enemies that they don't wish to call that spade that spade.

Disgusting is too weak a word to describe these over the hill hippy idjits.

Remember this, come '08. Not that we'll let you forget, but do all you can to assure that such monstrosities never have this kind of power ever again.

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