Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The New Gestapo Goes Gestapo'ing...

"The use of hundreds of police officers in a series of raids and searches which uncovered one gun in south Manchester was warranted, senior officers say.

Police raided 16 "key addresses" and searched another 195 in the Moss Side, Fallowfield and Hulme areas on Monday.

Three people were charged with drug offences and a further seven bailed after the day-long operation.

Supt John O'Hare, of Greater Manchester Police, said taking one gun off the streets was "extremely significant".

The operation followed weeks of planning based on information given to police by members of the local community and involved searching properties were firearms may have been stored..."

And to the other 15 addresses? The ones raided without cause? An apology?

Don't make me laugh.

Thanks to The War on Guns.

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Speak yer peace, fella's