Sunday, April 08, 2007

In A Desposable World...

NEW YORK — "A recently born infant girl was found in a garbage bag on a back porch in a Brooklyn neighborhood, and the apparent mother and her two sisters were arrested, police said.

The baby was pronounced dead at a local hospital of asphyxiation and hypothermia, police said. The infant had been born alive, said Ellen Borakove, a spokeswoman for the city medical examiner's office

Laura Sergio, 25, who is believed to be the mother, was arrested Saturday and charged her with murder, police said.

Sergio's sister, 27-year-old Andria was arrested on a charge of improper disposal of a human body. Another sister, Cara, 29, was arrested on a charge of obstructing governmental administration.

Laura Sergio was taken to a hospital with a medical problem around 9 p.m. Friday, and a doctor called authorities to say she might have given birth, according to police.

Officers were directed to a Brooklyn home, where they found the infant unconscious around 3:30 a.m.

Can you even begin to imagine such disregard for human life? Time was, a story like this could only make something like the old Inside Detective Magazine, being too horrible to publish elsewhere, so welcome to the jungle of 21st Century America. Good Lord of the mornin' but this makes me ill.

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