Sunday, April 08, 2007

Newt Says It's Time For Bumbling Alberto To Adios

WASHINGTON — "Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has joined the chorus of Democrats and some Republicans suggesting that it's time for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to leave his post over the botched explanation of the firings of eight U.S. attorneys.

Gingrich argued that the Justice Department doesn't need to give any justification for the decision to dismiss the federal prosecutors, who serve at the pleasure of the president. But as a result of misstatements and backtracking, Gonzales has made it impossible for the department to conduct its business since continuous questioning from congressional Democrats distracts officials, he said."

Mind boggling. That a sitting Attorney General could be so absolutely dumb. He HAD to have known that it's the job of every democrat to make it appear that the Administration is engaged in illegal goings on at every level, and I don't know what is worse;

Gonzales being so inept that he didn't remember anything about the firings, or so very incompetent as to not be capable of simply stating that, yes, the President fired some appointees as is his prerogative.

He made something that should have blown over take on a life of its own, and how can he always seem so unprepared?

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