Friday, April 13, 2007

Kid Negligently Shoots Friend...Cops Angry Because That's THEIR Bailiwick...

Local Shootings Raise Concern Over Gun Safety

"A 15 year old shot Tuesday in Jackson County is home now. Police say the victim and his 15-year-old friend found a gun inside of a home in Munith. Police believe while the teens were playing with the gun, it went off, hitting the injured boy in the shoulder (sic)...

Ray Hall, Lansing Police Captain: "These young boys had access to the weapons."

Okie dokie there, Captain Hall. It IS a sad state of affairs when kids begin shooting more people by mistake than law enforcement does...not that that has happened yet...but how's about this as a compromise:

We'll take care of our kids if you take care of your cops.


And while I have your attention, was it you or one of yours who told the reporter that while the boys were playing with the gun it went off and hit the injured boy in the shoulder? Did you MEAN to say that the weapon fired and a bullet from the discharging gun hit the boy in the shoulder? Or...the gun went off and the recoil hit the boy in the shoulder?

Details, Captain, details. Attention to detail might serve you fairly well were you to understand even SOMETHING about it, and then you could pass it along and maybe even one day your brothers and sisters in arms won't be shooting themselves on a regular basis.

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