Friday, April 13, 2007

Law Enforcement Hails Gun Bill That Would Keep An Eye On Every Non-Criminal In Boston...

"Law enforcement officials and community leaders yesterday hailed a new proposal to stem the flow of guns to the city's streets.

Legislation filed by state Senator Jarrett Barrios seeks to make it more difficult for gun traffickers to avoid detection by creating a central database tracking guns bought and sold on the secondary market. It will also make it illegal to not report a lost or stolen gun, allow judges to consider illegal gun possession when setting bail, and ban the bulk purchase of firearms..."

Since they've no idea from whence the crook gets his gat, and cannot initiate some simple enough police work to do so because investigating takes expertise so lets not go there, the MASTER PLAN is to monitor the people statically proven to NOT be involved in criminal activities.


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Speak yer peace, fella's