Monday, April 02, 2007

Police Nab 28 Potential Pedophiles in Florida Sting

Was scanning through the news and came upon a sting operation here in Florida.

"Police arrested 28 men in Polk County during "Operation Cyber Hawk," an undercover operation aimed at luring sexual predators out of the woodwork.

Cops pretended to be 13- and 14-year-old girls and boys in online chatrooms as they worked from their headquarters, a wired house called "Four Corners." For four days, 24 hours a day, more than 50 police officers were in contact with more than 250 men from all over Florida — and even some from other countries.

“They want to prey on 13- and 14-year-old girls and that is what we found this weekend,” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd told FOXNews in an interview. “The vast majority of them did confess and some of them had lame excuses.”

When the predators wanted to speak to the little girls with whom they thought they were chatting, female officers spoke on the phone, using a younger sounding voice. The predators set up meetings with the youngsters and, when they arrived at the house for the meeting, police nabbed them..."

I take this with a grain of salt. I hate police entrapment schemes, and since I'm not a real journalist would never be given a look see at the transcripts, so it's law enforcements word against the "sex-criminals" and we all know how good a track record our constabulary has. I honestly do not believe that a "profession" that breaks the law day in and day out can be trusted. Terrific if they took genuine pedophiles off the hunt, but we'll see. Can't remember where I saw this article that comes to mind, and it was some years back, but it was discussing the ranks of people considered to be professionals, and how law enforcement was as far down on the list with regards to IQ as one could go and still be considered an expert in a particular field.

And I get this queasy feeling when I hear things like "Potential Pedophile", too. Aren't all of us potential-somethings? If the right smooth talker came along, knowing just how to entrap?

Then I got to thinking some more, and yes, thats dangerous. These guys shared text messages with cops, and the ones who cannot afford a high priced attorney will not only be looking at some hard time, but most likely be branded as sex offenders.

Bingo, it hit me; what about Bill? Wouldn't justice have been served if Bill Clinton were so labeled? After all, the whole mess with Monica began when he tried to get her to commit perjury during the Paula Jones affair, and does anyone even remember how many women this man has been accused of raping, or at the very least taken advantage of?

Chat with a cop online and go to jail. Be a liberal democrat and pillage your way through life with impunity.

Why DON'T liberals have any honor?

Why DOES law enforcement as a whole draw such bottomfeeders?

Burning questions our time.

And don't get me wrong; I detest pedophiles more than I do democrats.

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