Monday, April 02, 2007

Concealed, Open, But Never Fondled

A Sandusky man was charged with improper handling of a firearm even though he had a license to carry it...He was reportedly seen carrying his hand gun in his front pants pocket, even though he said he was trying to keep it out of sight.

"I don't get what the "crime" is here. He can argue that he placed the gun on the dashboard to comply with the arrest by voluntarily disarming. And I love the way the "authorized journalist" describes the arrest protocol as "asking him to back up and drop to his knees before they handcuffed him."

As I offered in a comment on David's blog, brandishing is what they usually like to charge such a person with, and lets face it, the responding officer is usually the last one to know the law in cases like this.

There are plenty of cops who will arrive at a man-has-a-gun call, in open carry states, mind you, and demand that the offending citizen cover up the weapon, even if he does not have a CCW permit. Doesn't matter what the law says. Never has, never will, and a policeman will order you to break laws or go for a ride. Like it or lump it, you either obey, or sue. Arguing even when you are in the right means absolutely nothing. Not when monumental egos are in charge.

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