Sunday, April 08, 2007

Sandy Socks It To The Easy

"National Rifle Association (NRA) President Sandra S. Froman returned to her alma mater last night to lash out at New Orleans’ response to post-Hurricane Katrina security.

Speaking at Harvard Law School, Froman—who received her Harvard JD in 1974—criticized New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin’s decision to confiscate guns from residents immediately following the natural disaster, and she said the New Orleans government demonstrated that it was “profoundly incompetent” through its response.

“The violations of due process are so egregious that it should make your blood boil,” Froman said to the audience of just over 30 people.

Froman, who is the second female president of the NRA, noted that the NRA filed suit against Nagin and was able to secure an injunction stopping the confiscations.

“[These people] hadn’t done anything wrong, and they were being told to give up their guns at a time when the government couldn’t protect them,” Froman said..."

Okay, time out. So who IS Sandra Froman? LEts see what ABC News had to say when she first got the job...

April 22, 2004 — "Sandy Froman is a crack shot, and this week she is the new president of the National Rifle Association.

The nations' 4 million gun owners, represented by the powerful NRA, believe their constitutional right to bear arms is constantly being threatened. The NRA is one of the biggest lobbying groups in the country, and Froman speaks their language.

"When you look at the criminal use of guns, it's a small fraction of the firearms that are used everyday by peaceable Americans for lawful purposes, and that's what I'm here to talk about," Froman said.

As president, Froman won't run the day-to-day operations of the NRA. But like her predecessor, Charlton Heston, she will use the NRA's pulpit to spread her message.

Froman is only the second woman to be president of the NRA in its 130-year history. She wants to reach out to other women, but it may be a tough sell. Less than a year ago, the NRA worked hard to end a ban on assault weapons, while a majority of women across the country wanted tougher gun laws..."

Well that didn't tell us all that much, now did it? But you can at least get a chuckle out of ABC intimating that the nation has but 4 million gun owners, and they all belong to the NRA. Can they really believe that? Or is it but a ploy to make the uninformed feel as if the gun-lobby isn't all that much to worry about? I suppose that admitting to the fact that between 80 and 100 million folks own at least one firearm is too damned scary to even think about let alone publish. And how's this for outing someone...

"...She worked hard to make it legal to carry a concealed weapon in her home state of Arizona. Today, Froman always carries a handgun in her purse."

Now she might as well have a rather large sign on that purse proclaiming, "Shoot ME First, For I Have A Gun." Concealed, as the saying goes, means concealed.

And I still don't know a bloody thing about the gal.

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