Sunday, April 08, 2007

Newly Bloated Dick Morris: It's The Perks, Stupid...

"Hillary and Bill have made an unpleasant discovery over the past three months: Without the ability to pass out coveted goodies, like over-nights in the Lincoln Bedroom, invitations to White House coffees and state dinners, trips on Air Force One, weekends at Camp David, lucrative government contracts, top appointments, and the power to sign or veto legislation, their ability to raise money is far less than it once was.

That’s one of the key reasons why Hillary came in second in fund-raising for the first quarter.

For years, people have wondered whether the Clinton money machine was based on ideology and personal loyalty, or just the plethora of presidential perks at Bill’s disposal. The first quarter results give a resounding answer: It’s the perks, stupid.

Coming from nowhere, without any strong pre-existing donor base, Senator Barack Obama’s sensational showing in the first quarter — amassing $25 million in campaign contributions — has left the Clintons sputtering. And his astonishing bottom line is only part of his surprise upset in beating Hillary. While she narrowly edged out the new kid on the political block in the total amount raised, Obama outscored Hillary 2:1 where it really counts: the number of individual donors. This is a big win for Obama and demonstrates both the depth of support for an attractive alternative to Hillary, as well as the finely tuned organizing skills of the first term senator..."

This has GOT to be embarrassing for the Clinton war machine. Mr. Nobody steps up to the plate, goes toe-to-toe with Hillary in mocking southern black speech patterns, and outdraws the Queen at her own game.

And know what? It's funny as all hell. The juggernaut that is the Clinton campaign finding itself behind a do-nothing, no-nothing dolt who's only claim to fame is being capable of saying the word "perspective" like a voice-over announcer would. Nothing of substance to say, little else to offer, the moslem born and bred interloper socks it to the clown prince and his fat-ankled consort, but good.

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